
Sharing my musings on photography; equipment; and my love for travel, fun and the sun!

Posts tagged Rolleiflex
Testing out Rolli

I was really spoilt at Christmas… my husband bought me a Rolliflex Tele Twin Lens Reflex Camera. A beautiful old film camera!

The best part of it is that it really gets those photography cogs working… remembering back to college and light and lighting classes and making educated decisions around exposure etc (especially without a light meter).

I named her, Rolli… maybe not the most original name, but I have another old twin lens camera that I call Grandpa (because it was my Grandpa’s and once upon a time he was a Police inspector and also a crime scene photographer). Anyway, you get the idea, that I don’t have a great deal of originality with naming my cameras.

So, I’ve finally taken Rolli out for a test run… she uses 120 film, so I bought a stack of Black & White from Ikigai Labs. I also had the negatives processed there. There is still much tweaking to be done with getting the right exposure etc, but i might have to start using a light meter instead of relying on intuition alone.

I do really enjoy the process and it does force me to slow down and take my time.

Can’t wait to get out and about with Rolli again :)