
Sharing my musings on photography; equipment; and my love for travel, fun and the sun!

Posts in Exhibition
Land & Sea - A Group Exhibition


Photographic group exhibition to be held at:
Level 1, 220 William Street, Woolloomooloo

Land & Sea is "an exhibition that endeavours to fascinate and showcase the creative mindsets of artists as they entwine into the mirage of land and sea.

They mark, make and create images that we are drawn to by simplicity and complexity, by luminous light and liquid form, by weight of object and the tangible and not so tangible."


Come celebrate with us over a glass of wine
24 February 2016, 6pm - 8pm


Wednesday to Friday, 1pm - 6pm
Saturday and Sunday, 11am - 5pm


It is the beginning
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My love of photography started as a fifteen year old. My father bought me a second hand Olympus OM10 35mm film camera (which I still have and use). It was from this moment on that the love affair with photography began. Whilst it was a hobby for many years, the obsession soon took hold.

In recent years, I have embarked upon a Diploma in Photoimaging at CATC. I am getting close to the finish line - only three subjects left! One of the subjects that we covered was Folio. During this subject we put together a body of work to present to Industry professionals. It was quite a daunting task, as there was much work and refinement that took place in a very short period of time. 

My folio class, a small group which nurtured one another, was filled with amazing talent (inclusive of our lecturer/curator). It was 10 intense weeks of refinement and then a very stressful printing week, but the night of the presentation went by in a whirlwind of excitement.

One of the Industry professionals who critiqued our work was Peter Collie . Peter wrote  a blog piece about us on his website. There is nothing more complimentary than when a photographer of such calibre takes the time to write a piece about you (and your group) on his blog. There is a wonderful sense of validation and pride that comes with it. 

The words I share with you are these, "She has an uncommon eye for taking a common scene and making magic."